is an extremely powerful stream editor. The web is full of useful sed one liners. Win poker for mac.
Traktor pro for mac os x. This post will be an ever growing list of sed
one liners I have found useful.
Find and Replace
Find and remove all instances of TEXT:
Linux/Unix Command Line Cheat Sheet. It provides a set of essential commands with a detailed description of how to do it. Linux Cheat Sheet. It gives general commands instruction on logging on to the Linux server, copying files to and from the server, directory commands, working with modules and programs, etc. CISSP & Security+ Cheat Sheet Symmetric – Performance Algorithm Cipher Type er ogly phics –First K nwn Ci er No Sc y tale (4 0 BC b he par ans) ransposition Caesar Mono- Substitution Vigenere Poly- Substitution Vernam (One Time Pad) – Used in W Iin the Ger manE ig XOR ES Lucifer (56 bits) Block 3DES (2 keys – 112 bits & 3 keys - 168. CISSP & Security+ Cheat Sheet. A sed onC sol and S r Business Continuity Plan risk and analysis business mp act n lysis strategic planning and mitigation training and awareness maintenance and audit Documentation and security labeling Virus replication mechanism.
Find and remove all spaces:
Delete all blank lines from a file
Delete leading whitespace from front of each line
Delete trailing whitespace from end of each line
Delete leading and trailing whitespace from each line
Insert a line of text before a line
Change configuration file values
Change BRIDGE_HOTPLUG=yes to BRIDGE_HOTPLUG=no no matter what it is already set to:
Change PermitRootLogin no to PermitRootLogin yes no matter what it is already set to:
Wrap Value in Double Quotes
Change date=2015 to date='2015”:
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