Jim Gaffigan Twitter

  • — Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020. Gaffigan made some pretty powerful points during his Twitter tirade but, as it should be, his wife and writing partner had the final say: “No need to curse tho,” she wrote. No need to curse tho. — Jeannie Gaffigan (@jeanniegaffigan) August 28, 2020. Listen, he’s not wrong.
  • Donald Trump is upset with the tweets Jim Gaffigan sent during the RNC.

Comic Jim Gaffigan launched into a different kind of routine on Thursday evening, using his Twitter account to not only criticize President Donald Trump, but to also call out those who still support him. 879.4k Followers, 839 Following, 6,513 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jim Gaffigan (@jimgaffigan).


Has President Trump broken Jim Gaffigan? In a series of angry tweets on Thursday night, the comedian trolled the Republican National Convention (RNC) and ripped the president for conning his supporters into voting for him.


Though Gaffigan has largely remained apolitical throughout his career, it seems that President Trump has so deeply offended his sensibilities that he launched into a 15-tweet tirade chastising his supporters as stupid people who have duped by an elaborate scheme.

“Look Trumpers I get it. As a kid I was a cubs fan and I know you stick by your team no matter what but he’s a traitor and a con man who doesn’t care about you,” he began. “Deep down you know it. I’m sure you enjoy pissing people off but you know Trump is a liar and a criminal. ”

“By the way you can’t be against Cancel Culture and tell people to stay out of politics. You know that time you did a job and didn’t get paid? That’s trump and you know it,” he continued.

Look Trumpers I get it. As a kid I was a cubs fan and I know you stick by your team no matter what but he's a traitor and a con man who doesn't care about you. Deep down you know it. I'm sure you enjoy pissing people off but you know Trump is a liar and a criminal.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Jim Gaffigan Twitter Storm

By the way you can't be against Cancel Culture and tell people to stay out of politics. You know that time you did a job and didn't get paid? That's trump and you know it.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Jim Gaffigan Twitter Blow Up

Responding to those who would call him a Hollywood elitist lecturing the plebians from his place of privilege, Gaffigan scolded such people for being blind to Trump’s elitism.

“I know you hate snobs and elites I get it but look at [Ivanka] and that douche bag [Jared]. Think they are on your side? Do you think they’ve ever done a real days work in their lives. Wake up,” he said.

“To those of you who think I’m destroying my career wake up. If trump gets elected, the economy will never come back,” he added.

“You know he lies. Constantly. Yet you don’t care? What because he insults people that make you and me feel dumb?”

I know you hate snobs and elites I get it but look at Ivana and that douche bag Jerod. Think they are on your side? Do you think they've ever done a real days work in their lives. Wake up

Jeanne Gaffigan Twitter

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

to those of you who think Im destroying my career wake up. if trump gets elected, the economy will never come back.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

You know he lies. Constantly. Yet you dont care? What because he insults people that make you and me feel dumb?

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Jim Gaffigan then directed his anger at legendary college football host Lou Holtz for saying that Biden was a “Catholic in name only” due to his support for abortion.

“F**k Lou Holtz. Biden is Catholic in name only? Compared to who? How many abortions did trump pay for? How many women has he raped? How many times did pull the shit he did in Ukraine. Wake up. He’s a crook and a con man,” asserted Gaffigan.

Fuck Lou Holtz. Biden is Catholic in name only? Compared to who? How many abortions did trump pay for? How many women has he raped? How many times did pull the shit he did in Ukraine. Wake up. He's a crook and a con man.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Speaking of the Catholic faith, Jim Gaffigan, a self-identified Catholic, severely angered segments of the traditional Catholic community in 2017 when he tweeted a photo of his children draped in LGBT pride swag and wrote, “I’m so proud of my gay kids.”

As Jim Gaffigan continued his Twitter tirade, he defended Biden against charges of being a “radical,” accusing Trump of being the real radical.

“Please don’t buy that socialist crap either. Obviously Obama wasn’t a socialist. This is all lies to scare you and you know it. Biden is not radical. Are you serious?” he tweeted.

“Trump budding up with dictators is RADICAL. Trump having interfering with the justice department is RADICAL. Trump pandering to the police and army (I gave 3 raises) is RADICAL,” he added.

Jim gaffigan twitter storm

Remember everything Trump accuses the Democrats of he's guilt of. Dont let the socialist name calling distract you from the fact he is a fascist who has no belief in law.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Trump budding up with dictators is RADICAL. Trump having interfering with the justice department is RADICAL. Trump pandering to the police and army (I gave 3 raises) is RADICAL.

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

As he closed, Gaffigan left Trump supporters with this final message: “Heading to bed but remember – If you want to sound crazy please tell me about THE DEEP STATE. – To sound stupid please be against CANCEL CULTURE but then accuse anyone with an opinion of Virtue signaling. – Trump Derangement Syndrome is meant to distract from the con of Don.”

Heading to bed but remember
– If you want to sound crazy please tell me about THE DEEP STATE.
– To sound stupid please be against CANCEL CULTURE but then accuse anyone with an opinion of Virtue signaling.
– Trump Derangement Syndrome is meant to distract from the con of Don

— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 28, 2020

Jim Gaffigan Twitter Stats

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